Friday, December 14, 2007

A Skully Fairytale

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Wonder.

She was a benevolent ruler and all of her minions adored the very hair between her toes. One afternoon after the daily rabbit turd harvest, Wonder turned to her advisor, the Boy, and asked, "What is the meaning of life?" The Boy, though Wonder's right hand man, had little to say about the meaning of life, as he had not yet discovered himself, but not wanting to anger Princess Wonder, he answered: Cheese. And some shoes.

Wonder was delighted. If cheese was the meaning of life, then Wonder's life was certainly a full one, as she had just begun production overseas in Greenland, where Andre the Giant was the forman of the cheese factory, and everyone that worked there wore t-shirts that read: Wonder's Cheese, Everyday, Please! Even more good news for Wonder, because the t-shirts had been designed by her close friend Matthew Barney, and they were selling like t-shirts designed by Matthew Barney. Needless to say, Wonder was having one heck of a day. And some shoes.

The End.


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