Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ear Stank

Megan is saying that I have an ear infection, but I think she's full of crap. This Skully is too fit for that shit. I am the pinnicle of heath and fitness. Why just yesterday I touched my toes. And in a foot race against Gertrude, I scored fifty points plus two for good sportsmanship. Megan has been chasing me around, trying the clean out my stinky ear, but I won't let her. I have hidden my precious ears in a top secret location where no non-skull can gain entry.
But that's not the point. The purpose of this entry is to say that I do not have an ear infection. Do you hear that Megan, this skull is clean!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Cancer Face

Gertrude went to the Vet today on account of the strange growths she has been producing. They cut them off and she came back all drowsy and bandaged. The Vet said she has cancer, but that cutting of those moley-things should be ok. I sure hope so, cause Gertie is the Head of Perimeter Defense, and I can't have her shirking her duties just because she's sick. I suppose I could give her the week off, but then she'd think I'd gone soft...
Back to work Gertrude, this ain't no union gig!
