Thursday, August 18, 2005

Anus Lick

Today I'm enjoying the taste of my saturated anus very much. As a skull, I find it necessary to ensure the cleaning of my butthole. If I am to be seen by my fans at all, it requires a thorough swabbing. Though I have assistants that help me with that sort of maintenance, I find that my own personal tongue does the best job.
Does anyone out there have any preferences? I prefer the "Lewinski's Constant Method" (seen below)The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. which is simply licking over and over again, usually at night when Megan and the Boy are trying to sleep, and smacking my lips occasionally in order to free any debris. This leaves my sphincter sparkling and slightly moist, ready for the day's action. However, this method requires almost constant work, and I need to get back to it. Happy Skulling, friends!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Skullbrain

Megan says my brain is made of falafel, but I think it's made of cheese, like the moon.
When it comes to this Skull's brain, I like to fuel it with alfafa hay and any crumbs I catch in my beard. Crumbs are a great aid for mental acuity, at least, that's what I read in L. Ron Hubbard's new book Skullinetics: A great way to use crumbs for mental acuity. My skull also eats enchiladas, and I will take donations of half-melty Reese's Cups smothered in a creamy rabbit turd hungry belly has gotten me carried away. The Skull wishes for a snack! I'm going to bother Megan.