Monday, July 11, 2005

Three Bitches

These are the three bitches I was talking about.
This is Ramona. She likes to eat turds and and sniff butts. Ramona has many aliases. You may find her in the FBI Most Wanted files under: The Lou, Ramona-Lou, Lou-Butt, Loula, Loula-Pants, Loula-Bear, and Clownfish Face.
Ramona is best friends with Megan and Gertrude, but I don't really pay much attention to her because she's not worth this skull's time.

This is Gertrude. She thinks she's all that and a bag of bones, but I'm here to tell you that Gertrude is a usurper. She's always butting that big orange head of hers into the picture and pushing some lovely, gentle skull outta the way. If Gertie had a job, she would run the Tea Cup ride at the State Fair, or be a custodian at an orphanage. Gertrude is bad news, so don't listen to anything she has to say...especially about the Wonder Skull.

This is Megan. She's alright when she's not bossing me around. Megan makes me do the cooking and cleaning and scrubbing all day long. Sometimes I take pictures of her when she's asleep and publish them on the internet. I have also sold her three times to gypsies but she keeps coming back. She is trying to get between me and the boy, but I have a top secret plan to stop her meddling: it involves tin foil, a rubber mouse, and some easy cheese. Then, as soon as I get my thumbs, the boy and I will be together forever!


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